Our Story1
Ever heard the saying ”it was a simpler time” when describing the past?
At COBAGS we aim to make the future a “simpler time”. With innovative design and problem focus mindsets we aim at developing products that make your life easier and safer with practical eco-friendly solutions.
You should not have to compromise for a good future. Let’s just make it simple.
The beginning
It all began a summer day in Copenhagen. Being one of the leading bicycle cities in the world, the people of Copenhagen are no strangers to bicycling. It is said that most Copenhageners (yes that’s a word) can live their entire life on their bicycles.

However, on this fateful day Nikolai Gulmann noticed a pattern amongst thepeople biking by on Queen Louises bridge, one of the busiest bike paths in all of Copenhagen. He saw an abundance of “single use plastic bags” hanging from the handlebars of the bicycles. Heavy from being filled with groceries, the bags were knocking against the front wheel causing the cyclist to be of balance and in danger of getting the bag stuck in the wheel. Further, being aware of the environmental impact of single use plastic bags, Nikolai wondered how this all could be improved.
All this became the basis for the first Bikezac. A bag made from durable material intended for long term use; with the practicality of a single use bag in terms of portability; and the safety and ease of use that comes with a traditional bike bag.
Since then COBAGS has been growing and developing resulting in the Bikezac 2.0 made simply for the extra space on the G0. Call it a bikezac 2.G0 😊.

COBAGS today
We continue to strive to create products that make life simpler. We believe that the world has gotten complex enough and a little simplicity is needed. It should be a simple choice to choose to be safe and eco-friendly. You should gain more, not less by making those choices.
That is the core of all COBAGS design thinking.
Our flagship product, the Bikezac 2.0 is now sold all over Europe and in the rest of the world. We have retailers all over Europe and even Japan and we are still growing with new retailers becoming a part of our retailer network every week (retail map coming soon).
Our focus has from the beginning been on making products that are not only safe and simple to use but also environmentally friendly. Here we believe that choice of material is one of the most important areas. A green material is only green if it is also durable so it can be reused several times.
All our Bikezacs are therefore made of woven PP, a strong plastic material. As plastic waste is an important topic, all our bags are made from post-consumption rice sacs, meaning that they have already been used by people and then been recollected from the streets in Southeast Asia (mostly Vietnam). The rice sacs are melted and recycled into new woven PP, which is used for our bags.
The felt we use, for among other our Zipzacs, is similarly made of recycled plastic bottles.
This way each bag not only helps reduce the need for single use bags but also helps decrease the amount of plastic waste in the world.

COBAGS’ future
Looking beyond the Bikezac, we are currently investigating, how we can optimize and improve our processes. That’s why with our pilot project of the U-Zac we have made first experiences with upcycling and are already full of ideas on how to create more beautiful, unique bags. Want to know more about the difference between Upcycling and Recycling? Check our blog post